Hindu Wedding Invitation Cards: Some Useful Guidelines For Hosts!

Hindu Wedding Invitation Cards

Hindu Wedding Invitation Cards | 4.imimg.com

Visit any wedding card site and you will come across some trends which are characteristic of certain religions and sects. Every community will choose only certain designs or colour combinations though they may not like them really. It is chosen either for tradition or for the cultural connect with the religion. Hindu weddings are very colourful and ritualistic. The guests attend the wedding in colourful costumes.

Hindu Wedding Invitation Cards: Use Of Designs!

Hindus have certain preferences when it comes to wedding cards. The cards are always traditional with importance given to traditional designs. Hindu wedding invitation cards are colourful with a lot of designs. You will see designs occupy an important place in the cards. Sometimes one or two traditional designs are used or you will come across designs throughout the card. To highlight the designs when it is used through out the cards contrast colours are used and they add grace to the card.

Card Categories!

The whole card segment has a great variety. Some of the card categories are Radhe Krishna cards, Ganesha cards, Om cards, floral cards, peacock cards, elephant cards, palanquin cards, designs associated with certain rituals are found in Hindu marriage cards. You can select a particular segment and incorporate designs from other segments too. There are no hard and fast rules with the use of designs. It depends on the creativity of the card designers and the style of hosts.

Colour Preferences!

Hindu wedding invites are very colourful and it is one prominent characteristic. You will find red, maroon, green, blue, mustard, orange, etc. are preferred most. Some colours are preferred by certain Hindu sects and even today these are followed religiously. Hindus believe certain colours are auspicious for the wedding cards. These colours are used for generations together and these colours will rule the card market henceforth also.

Bigger cards are preferred as many major functions can be mentioned in the card. You can even add inserts for each function.