الخطوط الملكية الأردنية – أبرز خطوط الشرق الأوسط

الملكية الأردنية للطيران مواعيد الرحلات
الملكية الأردنية للطيران مواعيد الرحلات | Image Resource: airlinecustomercare.com

هي شركة الطيران الوطنية الأردنية، وعضو في الاتحاد الدولي للنقل الجوي (إياتا)، والمنظمة الدولية للطيران المدني (إيكاو)، والاتحاد العربي للنقل الجوي، وتأسست الشركة في 15 ديسمبر من العام 1963م، ويقع مقرها الرئيسي في مدينة عمّان، وتتخذ من مطار الملكة علياء الدولي مركزاً لعملياتها التشغيلية.

تُعتبر الأردنية للطيران البالغة من العمر 54 عامًا، من خطوط الطيران البارزة على مستوى الشرق الأوسط، ويرجع ذلك إلى اهتمام الحكومة الأردنية بها اهتمامًا كبيرًا نظرًا لكونها احدى دعامات الاقتصاد الأردني الأساسية، وتشكل حداثة الأسطول قيمة هامة لها، حيث تحرص الأردنية للطيران على تشغيل أسطول حديث من الطائرات لا يتجاوز معدل أعمارها 5 سنوات، وذلك لضمان البقاء في حيز المنافسة في سوق الطيران العالمي. واليوم، تُسيِّر الخطوط الاردنية رحلاتها إلى أكثر من 45 وجهة موزعة على 4 قارات، وذلك عبر أسطول حديث من الطائرات مكون من 27 طائرة. وعمل الطيران الأردني على إنجاز خطة عمل تطويرية على مدى 4 سنوات بدأت منذ العام 2015م وإستمرت حتى العام 2019م، بهدف التركيز على مراجعة خريطة الوجهات، ونوعية الأسطول، وزيادة الحصة السوقية، وإدارة الإيرادات، وضمان توريد الوقود بسعر اقتصادي، وغير ذلك من الأهداف الرئيسية والفرعية المرتبطة بالخطة.

مميزات الخطوط الأردنية – الافضل من بين الافضل 
الاهتمام بتحديث الأسطول الجوي، مما يتيح راحة أكبر خلال السفر، وكذلك الاستمتاع بالمواد الترفيهية. تنوع الوجهات وذلك بفضل عضويتها في تحالف ون وورلد الذي يسمح لها بالوصول إلى 1000 وجهة حول العالم. أيضا تسهيل معرفة  مواعيد رحلات الملكية الأردنية والخدمات المُصاحبة له عبر منظومة متكاملة من الخدمات الإلكترونية والتقنية متمثلة في وجود موقع إلكتروني ومركز اتصال. إمكانية التسوق على الطائرة. إمكانية اختيار المقاعد بشكل مُسبق. توفير وجبات ومشروبات مجانية ذات جودة عالية على الطائرة للمسافرين على كافة الدرجات. وجود برنامج الولاء المسمى رويال بلس والذي يمنح العملاء مميزات متنوعة من بينها احتساب أميال مجانية، وتقديم خدمات لتسهيل السفر وإجراءاته، والعديد من المميزات الأخرى.
درجات السفر على الخطوط الأردنية

عند حجز المكلية الأردنية  ستجد أنها توفر درجتين للسفر، هما:
درجة رجال الأعمال (كراون) على متن الملكية الأردنية للطيران: يحصل ركاب هذه الدرجة على مميزات خاصة، مثل: توفير كاونتر خاص لتسهيل إجراءات السفر، والاستمتاع بالدخول إلى صالة كراون للاستفادة من خدمات الراحة والترفيه وإنجاز الأعمال بهدوء وتشكيلة المأكولات والمشروبات المجانية المتوفرة بداخلها، هذا بالإضافة إلى الاستمتاع بمميزات هذه الدرجة على الطائرة مثل اتساع المقاعد ورفاهيتها، والاختيار من بين قائمة الطعام الخاصة بركاب هذه الدرجة، وأيضًا الاستمتاع بنظام الترفيه من خلال شاشات العرض المصاحبة للمقاعد الذي يضم قائمة حديثة من الأفلام والبرامج التلفزيونية، والقنوات الإذاعية والألعاب.

الدرجة السياحية على متن الملكية الأردنية للطيران: توفر الخطوط الأردنيه لركاب الدرجة السياحية إمكانية الاستمتاع بمقاعد ذات سعة مريحة مع وجود مساحة فاصلة بشكل جيد بين المقاعد، بالإضافة إلى الاستمتاع بالمأكولات والمشروبات المجانية، وتوفير مقاعد مجهزة بشاشات عرض تُمكّن المسافرين على هذه الدرجة من الاستمتاع بنظام الترفيه الذي يضم برامج تلفزيونية وباقة من الأفلام والمواد السمعية والألعاب.

مواعيد رحلات الملكية الأردنية و إجراءات الحجز وإصدار بطاقة صعود الطائرة 

يمكن للمسافرين معرفة الملكية الأردنية للطيران مواعيد الرحلات  و حجزها عبر الإنترنت بسهولة. كما يمكن للمسافرين إصدار بطاقة صعود الطائرة عبر الإنترنت، وذلك خلال مدة تتراوح من 24 ساعة وحتى 4 ساعات قبل موعد الإقلاع. وفي حال رغبتهم إنهاء إجراءات السفر من المطار، يتعين على المسافرين الحضور إلى المطار قبل 3 ساعات من موعد الإقلاع.

The Flexible Footrest: A Must-Have Computer Desk Accessory



A developed system under the side table footrest is a device that is essential for any desk aesthetic. As to if you are seated, stand, or alternate between the two during the day, this is a game-changer for one's cosiness and as whole well-being.

Enhance your feet inside a comfortable spot and provide more locations for them all to relax. The adjustable desk footrest notion is nice and simple. You seem to be more inclined to migrate your feet approximately during the day if you have so many locations to relax your feet. Choices promote subtle variation in body position or motion. And moving around at work is relaxing, healthy, and energizing.

Uplift the feet to a comfortable level for one's body.

Enable and make movement possible.

Why to use adjustable footrest?

Elevate your feet and ankles to a convenient, good health altitude to avoid computer work as well as posture-related RSIs.

Improved and alleviate back pain besides promoting more adjustable postural angles throughout the muscle.

Move around more at your desk.

Move more to avoid numbness, joint pain, tiredness, and rigidity caused by static musculature.

Increase your energy concentrations.

Increase your focus, particularly if you're using an energetic footrest.

An adjustable footrest improves sitting solace and promotes positive sitting

Remember how disappointed you'd be in high school if the desk in front of you didn't have such a footrest? This is normal to just want to uplift your feet because when sitting on a chair.

A footrest is not just to claim to support your feet at such a reasonable height for the body. It promotes active, as well as energetic, sitting, as well as movement there at the workstation. Even a fixed footrest encourages motion by providing more comfy places to position your feet, such as wider or nearer together and on its strict forum or at various points here on cushion's bend.

Utilizing a footrest while seated at a laptop

Enhance your feet to a reasonable height — specifically, the perfect angle which precludes hip bones from getting locked and toughening while also relieving pressure here on feet, straight back, lower legs, and thighs.

Begin sitting ‘effectively' by alternating your feet on the footrest during the day, allowing for motion at the workstation. Increase your energy concentrations and bloodstream by moving so much.

Shorter people can fix the ‘feet dangle' problem and restore healthy blood flow through legs by placing their feet planted on the backrest. Calves, knees, and feet should be rested, flexed, and stretched.

How Do Ball Bearing Rollers Work?

Ball Bearing Rollers

Ball Bearing Rollers

Bearings, particularly rolling component bearings, are among the most common components in the business. These bearings can be found in a variety of applications, including electric motors, gearboxes, and conveyor systems. Essentially, when the shafts want to rotate, the rolling element bearings could (and usually do) support this. Some people are unaware that the actual composition of these gadgets varies greatly depending on the usage.

2 courses are divided by a collection of rollers in rolling component bearings. The bearing's loading capacity and maintenance requirements are determined by the geometry of such rollers.

Basis of the ball bearing rollers


The first sort of roller you will look at it is the ball bearing, which is among the most prevalent. Ball bearing rollers are available in a wide range of sizes, metals, and styles. This gives them a lot of versatility in terms of how they might be used. It makes no difference which way the components are pointing because the balls in such bearings just roll here between two practices.

Selection of Lubricants is Influenced by a Variety of Factors

1. Bearing rotational speed

2. Size of the bearing.

3. The bearing types.

4. Load.

5. Temperatures at which the machine operates at the lowest and greatest levels.

6. Situational factors (dust, dirt, moisture, etc.).

7. The ease with which the application can be used.

8. Thrust.

A pressure-viscosity coefficient is a characteristic of oils. It is a measurement of how well things can convert into a hard for a brief period. The oil solidifies for a brief duration, deforming the rolling component and mating contact elastic deformation. Any pollution can disrupt this process, resulting in disastrous consequences.

Particles inside the pressure zone degrade the mated surfaces' coatings, which can contribute to the formation of new wear components. When moisture is available in rolling element bearings, this does not have such a feature and can cause barrier conditions. To prevent this from happening, keep an eye on the groundwater table in the lubricant oil. Water causes ball bearing rollers to degrade up to 75% of their life first before oil ever becomes murky.

Knowing the fundamentals of rolling element bearings plus their layout can assist you to improve plant reliability. Identifying the kind of loads you want the bearing to manage, as well as the surrounding conditions, will help you choose the right joint. Ball bearing rollers come in a wide variety of shapes and sizes so that you can rest sure that one will be ideal for your needs.

What Are The Advantages Of Hiring A Qualified ISO 27001 Consultant?

ISO 27001 Consultant

ISO 27001 Consultant

Self-promotion has its proper place if it is bragging about your company's market-leading capabilities or praising your group's drive to succeed.There still are, in fact, methods for firms to showcase their strengths without always blasting their trumpet.

ISO certificates, which have been the trademark of every sector-leading firm, are a great illustration of this. But accreditation sticks out among the others for organizations wanting to show an aptitude towards data security, ISO 27001.

Organizations from a variety of sectors want to obtain ISO 27001 accreditation in need to strengthen and certify their data security. Getting ISO 27001 qualification reassures relevant stakeholders and distribution networks knowing you are a trustworthy and reliable firm with whom they may do trade.

Although ISO 27001 certification gives organizations a commercial advantage, this is also a foundation for data security best practices. Regardless of whether you're searching for a new contract or not, every company may profit from the ISO 27001 consultant's new framework through testing and inspection.

What else is ISO 27001, so why does it matter?

ISO 27001 is now the only information security management standard that specifies precise standards (ISMS). As a result, it is among the most sought-after certificates for companies who wish to follow the most up-to-date requirements.

Companies are in growing demand to demonstrate that they may be regarded when it comes to data safety and privacy protection in the era of data leaks and cybercriminals. Obtaining ISO 27001 certificate demonstrates that a company has recognized and addressed any security issues.

Consultants or experts can assist you in attracting and retaining consumers

Internal and external stakeholders both are growing increasingly concerned about how the organizations they rely upon protecting their personal information and material. The dangers of inadequate cybersecurity are frequently highlighted by news stories about data thefts and business failure, so a pledge isn't enough.

Obtaining ISO 27001 consultant provides a clear statement to potential consumers that data security is a top concern for your company, rendering your identity more appealing to them. ISO 27001 accreditation indicates dependable systems and methods, which aids in the improvement of customer interactions and retention.

Solution For Medical Emergency: Pharmacy In Mumbai

During the pandemic situation, people usually avoid going out on the roads to buy medicines or groceries. That is why local pharmacies in Mumbai started selling medicines online. They will deliver your medicines to your doorstep. All these mobile apps give you the facility of cash on delivery on your products. 


Pharmacies in Mumbai | Image Resource: indiamart.com

OTC or over the counter medicines are those which are not in the doctor’s prescription. But now you can be relieved to know that these local pharmacies in Mumbai are now delivering OTC medicines to your home if you book online. They can deliver you medicines within an hour. These medicines are mainly required to get relief from sudden headaches or back pains or chronic fever, cold, and cough. They also sell personal hygiene products on their platform. 

There are some online apps that list the number of local medical stores near you. You can order your medicine from whichever store you want to. These applications basically bring the retailer and consumer together under one roof. This way it helps both the retailer and the customer. These types of apps are quite useful nowadays. 

These apps have a full list of local pharmacy stores near you with each and every detail of the store you should know before booking and provide you customer feedbacks as well. They also give you some offers and discounts on your booking to help you to save some money on your daily expenses.  

Why You Should Buy Medicines From Online Pharmacy In Mumbai?

People still trust buying medicines offline as they can see each and every detail of that particular medicine. But these applications try their best to give that same experience to you in a very convenient manner.  

  • They provide fully personalized delivery slots with every order. That means you can choose the time and date of the delivery of each order. 

  • They apps deliver your product on time and in full free of cost and also with the safety measures that are needed nowadays.

  • These applications give both deliveries and pick up facilities during the order process. So that you can pick up your order as well at your convenient time. 

  • KYC verified stores always provide you with the assurance of giving you fresh products with the best quality.  

  • Above all these applications will give flash sales and discounts during your booking. 

  • They give the choice to find out the best-rated shops in your locality.

  • You can order from multiple local pharmacy stores in one checkout. 

  • These applications usually have a huge platform of several products across several categories. 

Keep in mind they will provide you with all these facilities in the convenience of your home with all the safety measures.

Choose These Sites For Your Household Products And Desired Delivery Timings!

Household Products

Household Products

Shopping for household cleaning stuff and groceries is no longer a headache as it used to be. Today you can get anything within a few hours when you place orders online. Many big players have their online presence pan India. Today to accelerate the growth of local stores in a city you will come across websites opened just for the sake of local stores. The advantage with these stores is that you get your goods delivered fast.

A homemaker needs to have grocery items, vegetables, fruits and other household items at home to run the home efficiently. Today getting these items is not at all difficult as you could get them online from websites where you can order a minimum number of products and they are delivered within hours or within a day. You can get household products suitable for cleaning, washing from these stores.

Household Products: How To Order!

Many stores have registered with the website and they provide discounts for first time buyers and you get 100 rupees off when you refer your friends. Buying through the sites is easy as you need not be tech savvy to get from the site. The available products for household are posted on their webpage. Every store registered will have a separate webpage where in you will find the address, contact number, timings and working days mentioned clearly. This helps customers so that they can choose their timings. The delivery time is also mentioned clearly so that customers can choose their store.

Offers Galore

The stores thus registered with the website also have physical stores and they double their sales. When you become a regular customer, you can even request your additional supplies through the phone. Most stores sell items with discounts and so customers can choose a store which sells for the least price. Household products for cleaning can be bought from these stores. Combo offers and value offers are also available. There is no upper limit to the number of products you can get.

The Choice Is Yours!

You can get any number of products and you can choose your delivery timings. Contactless delivery can also be asked for. The products so delivered are packed well and so you need not worry about your products getting damaged during delivery. These sites have helped many homemakers run their homes effectively during these lockdown times. You can get cleaning liquids, washing powders and sanitisers from these stores. Many brands are available with them so that you can choose your favourite brand.

A house needs to be sparkling clean and for these you need these products. These products make your work much easier and these products for household are available in varying capacities. Customers can build a rapport with the stores and even place orders on a daily basis as there is no limit to the orders.

How Effective Is Using Online Grocery Stores in Delhi?

Compared to the in-store shopping options, a majority of the online shopping outlets tend to get you a much lower rate prevailing in your locality. You have a reason to enjoy when you end up saving more. A host of these stores have succeeded in boosting their sales guiding their customers through innumerable exclusive offers and deals regularly.

How the Bulk Orders Add More to Your Convenience

Grocery Stores in Delhi | Image Resource: freepik.com

You have a good possibility of lowering your grocery costs by procuring the products in bulk. It gets much simpler to procure bulk orders when you frequently opt for home delivery. Including the newly purchased items in the virtual shopping cart requires some quick mouse clicks before the products are delivered to your doorstep.

Saving on Fuel an Parking Charges

You can save a fortune by restricting your budget as you obtain extra miles, enhance savings on gas and avoid parking charges. Saving a substantial amount gets easier as you place the grocery order online all through the year as you accumulate a small margin every month.

How an Online Grocery Store in Delhi Helps In Utilizing Time and Money

Selecting Your Browsing Time

Online shopping outlets have truly been beneficial for leveraging features while edging past shopping aisles that make things more convenient. Choosing your preferred delivery venue and time-slot in advance has become easier for an online grocery store in Delhi. This way, you attend to the delivery boy when he rings the bell at the doorway.

Avoiding the Long Order Queues

It is easy to conduct grocery shopping from home as well as the office without venturing into the scattered payment queues and busy passageways. That gives you an implication of having more opportunities to invest in things you are inclined to.

Keeping Off Simultaneous Trips

Do you often forget to add items to the virtual shopping cart? It’s no big deal. This is a digital shopping option that enables you to add certain things to your cart, after making the order, till the time all items get dispatched to your home. It also gives you an idea that there is no requirement for you to move back to the shopping store for a particular thing you had forgotten.

Curbing Your Fuel Budget

A considerable portion of your budget can be saved when you do not need to drive into a physical shopping store standing at a distance. Accessing all the necessary items under a single roof also gives you an edge over others. While comparing various online stores, you will be able to identify the extra amount that you can save over a long haul.

How Comparison Shopping Fits In

The presence of a good number of brands competing for identical products makes it much simpler for the buyers to compare and select the appropriate products. Compared to the cost that you bear, researching on the product features enables you to know how beneficial the product is after all. Also, visiting a comparison website proves good when most of the products undergo fluctuation of pricing with time.

Placing Your Order with the Grocery Stores in Delhi Makes Things More Convenient

Home delivery services cover a few good localities in Delhi at large. Innumerable delivery services have mushroomed in Mumbai and her suburbs, which are now catering users with online grocery in Mumbai. You must have understood the viability of online grocery stores in Delhi within and around every residential area. Alongside laying emphasis on the most crucial needs, a good number of services have an empathetic customer service and plenty of discount codes on offer.

You may use a combination of digital coupon deals, codes, and offers alongside the periodical weekly sales events to explore multiple saving opportunities. A good number of unique options enable you to explore all and narrow down the one that matches your family.